When you experience a loss, physical pain in the chest can follow. This pain, though perhaps not as dangerous, can be just as real as the pain experienced during a physical crisis of the heart and needs just as much time, energy, and healing. Note: if you take any medications for cardiovascular health, please consult your physician before taking any alternative remedies. Typically with hawthorn preparations, we use the berries of the tree, but the flowers and leaves can be included, too. When I create blends for emotional upset, I prefer to use the flowers (something about the metaphor of the flower opening and turning to the sun), But really, any part of the herb can work. Try a hawthorn tincture and drop a dose into warm water or tea. Warm beverages are especially soothing for nervous complaints. Or, if you can find dried berries, steep a half teaspoon of crushed berries in a cup of hot water. Wait 10 minutes, sweeten, and sip quietly. Rose petals can calm the nerves, open the heart and lift the spirit; and they can be used to overcome grief, or to ready the heart for a new beginning. Try rose petal tea. Steep a tablespoon of rose petals in a cup of water for five minutes. Add a light-flavored honey, so as not to mask the delicate flavor of the rose. Try a motherwort tincture and squeeze a half teaspoon or so into a cup of hot water or tea. Important note: Avoid motherwort while pregnant. Even if fidelity is a painful subject at the moment, and even if your heartbreak was so painful that you welcome the idea of forgetting, it might behoove you to lean a little on this herb. Keep the memories that serve you and learn from those that don’t. Allow rosemary to sweeten your memories and guide you gently to a place of forgiveness. Try a mild rosemary tea. Steep a few teaspoons in a cup of water for about five minutes. Add sweetener and a bit of non-dairy milk, if you like. Also try combining with rose petals for a light and complex flavor. No matter what makes your heartache, just taking time for yourself, holding onto a warm cup of tea, and either sitting quietly or feeding your soul with nurturing company—be it in the form of books, friends, or films, are the first steps toward healing your heart center.

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