1. You’re only focusing on one body part.
  2. You’re not addressing your emotions. Every injury, illness, disease or pain is linked to your mind. We discount this connection frequently, but it could be contributing to your pain. When the whole body system (mind included!) is considered there’s a chance at recovery. In traditional forms of therapy the place of pain or tear is addressed to help speed healing, usually resulting in the injured client being given some form of strengthening to protect the body part and prevent further injury. In most cases the abnormal strain is coming from another area of the body, or possibly a trauma or energy in the tissue. A million reps of any exercise won’t help that heal.
  3. You need to consider your connective issue (fasica) before addressing your pain. The three dimensional web of connective tissue that makes up and surrounds every structure in your body is one of the keys to finding the cause of pain. Restrictions in this system can be located and released. These restrictions can occur as a result of physical or emotional trauma, inflammation, poor posture or other injury or surgery. Each restriction has a mind, body and soul component to it. True healing can occur when these restrictions are located and released with an energy and awareness that addresses the whole individual. Here are some steps you can take toward your own holistic healing:
  4. Recognize that everything that happens to us affects the mind, body and soul simultaneously. Every physical problem has an emotional component and vice versa. Begin to explore the connections.
  5. Research therapies that address mind, body and soul. Three excellent suggestions I’ve used are John F. Barnes Myofascial Release, Five Elements Acupuncture, and Emotional Freedom Technique.
  6. Seek out therapists who will honor the importance of integration. Interview them over the phone before you visit.
  7. Practice awareness when something hurts. Begin to observe your sensations, thoughts, feelings and emotions and practice noticing what seems connected.
  8. Use your journal as a therapeutic tool when you are in any kind of pain. Writing down the details about what is going on will often lead you to interesting discoveries that can speed your healing process. We’re at a time when we can no longer ignore the connections of body, mind and soul if we are interested in authentic healing. We have to practice awareness and be brave about demanding it of our practitioners. We must initiate conversations with each other that lead to connecting all aspects of ourselves.

3 Reasons Your Injury Won t Heal   What To Do About It - 963 Reasons Your Injury Won t Heal   What To Do About It - 273 Reasons Your Injury Won t Heal   What To Do About It - 52