It can be scary to consider the possibility that your marriage is over or to even recognize the signs in the first place, but it is possible to come back to each other, if that’s what you both want. Here are the main signs you’re in an unhappy marriage and what to do about it, according to marriage therapists. RELATED STORY: 8 Ways To Fix Your Relationship When It’s Falling Apart “Reviving an unhappy or unfulfilling marriage starts first and foremost with a desire to have things change,” Caraballo says. The desire to work things out must also be followed by concrete steps to repair, he says. “This could look like learning new ways to communicate more effectively, managing finances differently, or anything in between.” Couples’ therapy will likely be extremely helpful if not necessary, Birkel and Caraballo note. You can also try using “therapist-written books on relationship repair together, or attend workshops or retreats led by licensed professionals,” Caraballo adds. And always remember, Birkel says, if you’ve made the decision to work on your problems and try to save your marriage, “This is a person you love and care about and want to make it work with,” he says. Remind yourself of that fact often. It may take a lot of soul searching and hard questions to figure out whether you want to make the marriage work or if it’s time to walk away. (Here’s how to know if your marriage is over.) But if you and your partner decide your relationship is worth it, you’ve already overcome a huge hurdle—and your marriage may be even stronger once you come out on the other side. RELATED STORY: Married But Lonely: 4 Potential Causes & What To Do

16 Signs Of An Unhappy  Loveless Marriage  From Therapists  - 8116 Signs Of An Unhappy  Loveless Marriage  From Therapists  - 1516 Signs Of An Unhappy  Loveless Marriage  From Therapists  - 4616 Signs Of An Unhappy  Loveless Marriage  From Therapists  - 5816 Signs Of An Unhappy  Loveless Marriage  From Therapists  - 39