Whether your inner voice is responding to a present situation, reflecting on a past experience, or helping to guide you in the future, astrologer and author of Cosmic Health Jennifer Racioppi says, “No matter what, the inner voice is the voice of truth—our unique voice of truth that comes from within. Simply put, our inner voice is our innate intelligence.” And when we listen to it, she adds, we turn inward “to hear what our body and soul have to say before looking to the world outside of ourselves for direction.” According to Racioppi, they are both the voice of insight and arguably the same thing: “however, our inner voice may feel more matter-of-fact, as it’s often thought of as the voice of the soul and our unique voice.” On top of that, the inner voice is available anytime, while accessing intuition can require practice, she says. She and Richardson both note that people receive intuition in four ways: hearing intuitive guidance as a gentle voice in your mind (clairaudient); seeing intuitive guidance as images in your mind (clairvoyant); knowing intuitive guidance as breakthrough thoughts or mental downloads (claircognizant); or feeling intuitive guidance as physical, emotional, or energetic sensations (clairsentient). “No matter how your intuition speaks to you,” Racioppi says, “it is essentially your inner voice is perceiving, discerning, distilling, and communicating information in advance of you needing it.” Both she and Richardson work with clients, helping them get in touch with their own inner voice. To name just a few examples of how your inner voice can serve you, Racioppi says, “I have seen many miracles happen for my clients when they begin to hear, trust, and follow their inner voice. Things like getting a dream job, finding love, learning how to eat intuitively, feeling free to be their authentic selves,” and so much more. And, they both use their own inner voice in their daily lives: “I use my own intuition in sessions with clients every day,” Richardson says. “Your sixth sense can give you out-of-the-box information you won’t receive any other way. To ignore it would be to ignore a very wise, helpful, practical tool—as if a sailor were to ignore their compass.” “In my own life,” Racioppi adds, “I have found my inner voice to the most crucial guide […] It’s instilled within me a deep trust that I count on myself and my experience of being embodied to guide me through life. It’s a priceless feeling.” Racioppi adds, “By getting to know how your intuition speaks to you, you’ll deepen your capacity to receive information, and more importantly, you’ll attune yourself to understanding to your unique ways of being guided.” It’s easy to brush over an aha moment, a wave of goosebumps, or a weirdly specific dream, but the more we learn to pay attention in those instances, the better we’ll become at discerning and understanding them. If it helps, Racioppi recommends tracking those moments in a journal.

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