When your diet or environment has been less than ideal, you can turn to any or all of the natural detox methods below for the ultimate self-care. No gimmicks here, just science-backed ways to support detoxification, so you can “detox” your body naturally. Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces in clear fluids or enough that your urine is very pale in color. Other dark leafy greens like dandelion greens, and beets are also detox-supporting superstars. Choosing organic produce will reduce your exposure to pesticides and other chemicals that further increase your toxic burden. Similar to spirulina, chlorella can be found as a powder you can stir into smoothies or baked goods. Due to all of the significant benefits these stress-reducing strategies can provide, incorporating more than one, or all of them if you can, on a regular basis would be ideal. Most experts recommend aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night.  Fructose which is often obtained in the diet from fructose-sweetened beverages like soda increases the stress hormone cortisol and body fat accumulation11. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, has been shown to increase inflammation in the gut lining, weakening the intestinal barrier in those who are sensitive. This may contribute to toxins leaking out of the intestines and into the bloodstream, which reduces the ability for those toxins to be eliminated via stool. By avoiding these foods you can relieve some of the stress on the detoxification system. Since all of these tips are consistent with a healthy lifestyle and carry minimal to no risk or side effects, you can stack all of these together in your favor. However, in rare cases, such as those exposed to high levels of heavy metals or poisons, more comprehensive or even emergent treatment by a physician may be necessary. It is also possible to have genetic predispositions on the genes that code for detoxification, which can make the process less efficient and increases your need to be vigilant in avoiding as many contaminants as possible. In this case, working with a knowledgeable functional medicine practitioner or other healthcare provider help you understand how to improve your overall functioning. Natalie loves spending time with her husband and three children in the kitchen, garden and in nature. She is a foodie at heart and loves most cuisines, but especially spicy Indian and Thai.

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